Be A Robin

We should all be able to move around freely, like Robins! But unfortunately, the reality is quite different: privileges are distributed very unevenly and arbitrarily. Be A Robin works beyond state borders to create moments of downtime for refugees, thus breaking up their difficult everyday lives with small pleasures. In close cooperation with local non-profit organisations, they are shaping a more inclusive and socially just present with tangible support.

Our Motivation

Since Be A Robin was founded in 2016, the number of refugees has almost doubled: over 122 million people worldwide are currently displaced (UNHCR, 2024). There is no sign of the situation stabilising or improving for refugees. Often, what is supposed to be a temporary situation becomes a prolonged one, or even a permanent one. The constant waiting, the uncertainty about what will happen next and what decisions states and authorities will make, as well as the lack of clarity about when and whether they will see their loved ones again, takes a heavy toll on the health of refugees. Countless NGOs are well organised, do great work and provide support with basic goods such as tents, blankets, clothes, medication, hygiene products and food. This is essential, but still not enough to lead a healthy life and develop prospects for one's own future. That is why Be a Robin is not primarily involved in material support, but in socio-cultural support.  Social interaction and uplifting activities are essential to strengthen mental health and promote self-empowerment. Our work is based on the conviction that freedom and happiness should be shared. That is why Be a Robin's projects are designed to give refugees moments of joy and hope in an otherwise very uncertain situation.

How we work

Be A Robin is a non-profit organisation and relies on volunteer work. Our projects follow the approach of socio-cultural animation. This means that they aim to promote the integration and social participation of refugees in society through creative projects, sports and leisure activities, but also through educational offers and community events such as evening tables and open-air cinemas. Our projects create spaces for time out and for people to meet. These activities help to create moments of joy and hope, break down barriers and strengthen the feeling of belonging. The aim of Be A Robin is to strengthen social exchange and create places of joy, recreation and time out.
Through efficient organisation and the removal of bureaucratic hurdles, we can respond quickly and flexibly to the needs of refugees and local organisations.

Unser Team

Be A Robin wurde 2016 von einer kleinen Gruppe engagierter Menschen aus der Schweiz in Calais (FR) gegründet. Das Kernteam von Be A Robin übernimmt die administrative Arbeit, organisiert die gemeinschaftlichen Aktivitäten und koordiniert die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Freiwilligen und unseren Partner*innenorganisationen. Werde auch du Teil von Be A Robin und engagiere dich im Kernteam oder als Freiwillige*r!

Valentina Bello

Valentina, together with Valentino and David, founded Be A Robin after volunteering in Calais in 2016. She now works for Be A Robin from Geneva, where she is responsible for projects and organises fundraiser events in Switzerland.

Valentino Velasquez

After a six-month stint in a refugee camp in Calais, France, Valentino founded Be a Robin together with Valentina and other volunteers. His commitment to refugees is a matter close to his heart. He coordinates the projects and ensures that they are implemented efficiently.

Andrea Schnyder

Andrea supports Be A Robin in both its digital presence and fundraising. In addition, Andrea is actively involved in the projects on the ground and provides support for partner organisations wherever needed.

Jil Ehrat

Jil has been on the board since 2017 and has been personally committed to the projects in Zurich. It is close to Jil's heart that participants in our programmes can experience and feel at home in their new environment in a relaxed setting. 

Financing through donations

Be A Robin is a non-profit organisation and is funded exclusively by donations. With your donation, you are actively helping us to continue our projects and implement them successfully.
Be A Robin is recognised as a charitable organisation in Switzerland, and you can deduct every donation from your taxes. If you wish, you can take a look at our accounting and see the list of our expenses.
Every contribution counts: become a Robin too and get involved. Whether it's a financial contribution or support for a collaborative activity. It's great to have you on board!

Become part of Be A Robin!

Become a part of Be A Robin and get involved with us! Volunteer in our current projects in Italy, donate, or start another project. We are a small and dynamic team and offer plenty of room for your own ideas. We look forward to hearing from you!

Show your solidarity and make us visible!